About us
We are a small, family-run plant based farm sanctuary in Southwestern Ontario, Canada giving many animals a safe place to live and love. They are all family, not food.
We offer local, sedation free pot bellied pig hoof trimming. We come to you or you can save the mileage and bring your pig to us! Either way a trim with us is a great way to support the sanctuary while also helping your pig to have a low stress, fast trim to keep those trotters in great shape and your pig active.
Feel free to send us a message with your questions and to get on our list to be included in our next local trim day!
FrogHollow History
We moved our little family to the country in 2003. Soon after, we got 3 female goats and borrowed a buck to make a family to keep as pets. While Billy originally came to visit for a short while, we fell in love with this pushy and adventurous character, and he stayed to become the patriarch of his family. The next spring our three mothers, Grace, Willow, and Ivy all gave birth to heathy babies. Grace had a boy Pascal (meaning born at Easter); Willow also had a boy Maple (who was the colour of Maple sugar); and Ivy had twins, a boy Matthew and girl Marilla. They lived out their days here on the farm and Ivy, Marilla, and Pascal are still with us welcoming the new incoming herd members. We've always had a few chickens. As well, over the years up to the middle of 2014, we added three sheep, some muscovy ducks, a potbellied pig, Daisy, some mini goats, cats, dogs, and rabbits. Then Cadbury, the donkey, and later his friend, Casper, joined the herd. Not everyone came from the worst of situations but they are all safe and loved here until they cross the Rainbow bridge.

Why FrogHollow You Ask?

We often thought about naming the farm and yet nothing seemed to jump out as the right one. We have a pond, a red barn, 12 acres, and live in the swamp! We literally thought about this for years. One day, FrogHollow came up as a suggestion. I don't know if we had settled on the name yet or if we were still pondering it when it just happened. Our latest project at the time involved digging about a dozen holes for fence posts one weekend, but we didn't immediately put the posts in place. When we returned a few days later, those holes were loaded with frogs! After pulling out every last one of the 300+ frogs, we sent them back to the pond, and promptly set the posts to avoid a repeat. I think that was the day we knew the name fit!
It was the summer of 2014 when we saw a listing for a Tamworth pig who needed a home, and we thought why not? We have some space and it might be fun having a big pig. Well, as it turned out, that pig already had found a home but it was then that we realized there are many animals in need of a home. That one pig actually turned into learning there were 2 sibling Tamworth pigs who still needed a home. And so it began. Charlotte and Wilbur were going to join us shortly. While waiting for them, we took in a pot belly pig, Cornelius, who had been in a shelter for 3 months. We were on a new adventure. It hasn't slowed yet!